some brainfuck fluff by daniel b cristofani ("krisst-OFF-uh-nee")
Reference to the brainfuck language.
Please read the Epistle to the Implementors before implementing brainfuck,
and use these tests (or the equivalent) after.
Suggestions for intermediate brainfuck programmers.
Better: check out my nascent "get good at brainfuck" series.
My brainfuck programs:
(Note: I'm licensing all of these under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License. Haven't got around to putting that into all the individual files.)
bsort.b, a bubble sort program
collatz.b, a mathematical function
dbf2c.b, a brainfuck-to-C translator
dbfi.b, a brainfuck interpreter
null.b, 392quine.b, 400quine.b, dquine.b; quines (392 may be the shortest real one known)
dvorak.b, a Dvorak filter for QWERTY keyboards
e.b, my monsterpiece, which computes the transcendental number e
factorial2.b, which outputs arbitrarily many factorials much faster than factorial.b
fib.b, which outputs arbitrarily many Fibonacci numbers
golden.b, which computes the "golden ratio"
head.b, which outputs ten lines of its input
impeccable.b, which outputs a nice mathematical sequence
isort.b, an insertion sort program
jabh.b, a borrowed Perl tradition
life.b, Conway's Game of Life
numwarp.b, a number...obfuscator? Prettifier? (sample output)
qsort.b, a Quicksort program
random.b, a random number generator based on a cellular automaton
rot13.b, an unconcise, template-y rot13
short.b, an assortment of small programs
sierpinski.b, which outputs a Sierpiński triangle
squares.b, which outputs square numbers from 0 to 10000
squares2.b, which outputs arbitrarily many squares
thuemorse.b, which outputs the Thue-Morse sequence
tictactoe.b, which plays tic-tac-toe
utm.b, a universal Turing machine
wc.b, the standard (line and) word (and character) count utility
xmastree.b, which outputs an ASCII Christmas tree
Brief explanatory comments on most of these programs
Draft of a paper about dbfi.b
My brainfuck implementations:
A quick and dirty interpreter in C, or
as a Windows executable if you like
A clean and simple, but slow, interpreter in C
The unreasonably restrictive, score-computing interpreter used for BFCC
dbc.c, a compiler for Sun machines
di.html, a tiny slow-ish interpreter in JavaScript
(made using this interpreter as a starting point)
Contest results:
The results of Brainfuck Golf contest 0 (text-to-brainfuck)
The results of Golf contest 1 (Von Neumann integers)
The results of Golf contest 2 (sort bytes)
The results of the Brainfuck Texas Holdem contest :/
The results of Brainfuck Component Competition #1 (reverse bytes)
The results of the Logical Brainfuck Competition
The results of, I suppose, Golf contest 3? I won an inscribed abacus.
A few other pages:
Frans Faase's page
Brian Raiter's page
Urban Müller's canonical brainfuck distribution
The brainfuck archive, last updated some years ago
Incidentally, feel free to email me at (my first name) (at) (this domain dot org), and I'll try to respond in a vaguely timely fashion (no promises).